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Join the Foodsteps journey

Foodsteps is a ground-breaking food tool with, among other things, over 1,800 recipes in step-by-step videos, developed and quality-assured by Norway's leading professionals. The app gives you easy access to recipes and food and wine courses that will help you succeed in the kitchen, both for everyday life and for big occasions. The app also offers 40 video-based masterclasses, budget tools, travel tools, social media feed and personal profile. 

The app has already been tested in a pilot version, and Foodsteps is now in the process of raising NOK 3 million to launch version 2.0. Will you join the journey?

Om oss

About Foodsteps

Foodsteps springs from the Kulinarisk Akademi (KA), a competence center for food and drink. KA has been involved in food distribution since 2008, and every year holds cooking courses for approx. 17,000 people. To meet the growing demand for courses and food knowledge, KA established the digital cookbook Foodsteps in 2020, with food courses and recipes specially made for small screens. Every week it is filled with a new weekly menu and recipes. 


"The driving force behind the app is to make knowledge available and by doing it in video format, you get to convey tacit knowledge that you cannot do through text and images"

- Espen Vesterdal Larsen

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Now you can become a co-owner of Foodsteps!

Invest in Foodsteps and join our journey towards success!  As an investor with us, you will be part of an innovative and exciting business, and have the opportunity to benefit from our potential for growth and profitability. Complete the contact form to receive more information about our company and investment opportunities.



Tel: (+47) 922 31 200

Address: Kittel-Nielsens vei 61 B1163 Oslo

Thank you, we will be in touch!

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